map.connect('/users', controller='users', action='list')
map.connect('user_page', '/users/{name}', controller='users', action='view')
+ # Comments
+ with map.submapper(controller='comments') as sub:
+ sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments', action='thread')
+ sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/{id}', action='thread')
+ sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/reply', action='reply')
+ sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/{id}/reply', action='reply')
+ sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/reply_done', action='reply_done', **require_POST)
+ sub.connect('/*owner_url/comments/{id}/reply_done', action='reply_done', **require_POST)
with map.submapper(controller="art") as sub:
sub.connect('new_art', '/art/new', action="new")
sub.connect('create_art', '/art/create', action="create")
sub.connect('rate_art', '/art/{id}/rate', action="rate")
sub.connect('show_art', '/art/{id}', action="show")
with map.submapper(controller='tag') as sub:
sub.connect('delete_tag', '/art/{art_id}/tag/{id}')
sub.connect('create_tag', '/art/{art_id}/tag')
parent_resource=dict(member_name='art', collection_name='art'))
# Yeah, parent resources are specified kinda dumb-ly. Would be better if you could pass in the
# real parent resource instead of mocking it up with a silly dict. We should file a feature request.
# I think resources is the right way to go for most things. It ensures all of our actions have the right
# methods on them, at least. It does require the use of silly _method="delete" post parameters though.
# One sticking point though is, it'll happily allow you to add any formatting string you want, like art/1.json
# I wonder if there's a way to place requirements on that, or disable it until we actually have formats.
# It just serves the same action as usual but with a format argument in the context.
# map.connect('/art/new', controller='art', action='new')
# map.connect('/art/upload', controller='art', action='upload')
# map.connect('show_art', '/art/{id}', controller='art', action='show')