Delete some B/W female sprites identical to the male ones.
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data / csv / type_names.csv
1 type_id,language_id,name
2 1,1,ノーマル
3 1,5,Normal
4 1,6,Normal
5 1,7,Normal
6 1,8,Normale
7 2,1,かくとう
8 2,5,Combat
9 2,6,Kampf
10 2,7,Lucha
11 2,8,Lotta
12 3,1,ひこう
13 3,5,Vol
14 3,6,Flug
15 3,7,Volador
16 3,8,Volante
17 4,1,どく
18 4,5,Poison
19 4,6,Gift
20 4,7,Veneno
21 4,8,Veleno
22 5,1,じめん
23 5,5,Sol
24 5,6,Boden
25 5,7,Tierra
26 5,8,Terra
27 6,1,いわ
28 6,5,Roche
29 6,6,Gestein
30 6,7,Roca
31 6,8,Roccia
32 7,1,むし
33 7,5,Insecte
34 7,6,Käfer
35 7,7,Bicho
36 7,8,Coleottero
37 8,1,ゴースト
38 8,5,Spectre
39 8,6,Geist
40 8,7,Fantasma
41 8,8,Spettro
42 9,1,はがね
43 9,5,Acier
44 9,6,Stahl
45 9,7,Acero
46 9,8,Acciaio
47 10,1,ほのお
48 10,5,Feu
49 10,6,Feuer
50 10,7,Fuego
51 10,8,Fuoco
52 11,1,みず
53 11,5,Eau
54 11,6,Wasser
55 11,7,Agua
56 11,8,Acqua
57 12,1,くさ
58 12,5,Plante
59 12,6,Pflanze
60 12,7,Planta
61 12,8,Erba
62 13,1,でんき
63 13,5,Electrik
64 13,6,Electro
65 13,7,Eléctrico
66 13,8,Elettro
67 14,1,エスパー
68 14,5,Psy
69 14,6,Psycho
70 14,7,Psíquico
71 14,8,Psico
72 15,1,こおり
73 15,5,Glace
74 15,6,Eis
75 15,7,Hielo
76 15,8,Ghiaccio
77 16,1,ドラゴン
78 16,5,Dragon
79 16,6,Drachen
80 16,7,Dragón
81 16,8,Drago
82 17,1,あく
83 17,5,Ténèbres
84 17,6,Unlicht
85 17,7,Siniestro
86 17,8,Buio
87 10001,1,???
88 10001,5,???
89 10001,6,???
90 10001,7,???
91 10001,8,???
92 10002,1,ダーク