Delete some B/W female sprites identical to the male ones.
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data / csv / types.csv
1 id,name,abbreviation,generation_id,damage_class_id
2 1,Normal,NRM,1,2
3 2,Fighting,FGT,1,2
4 3,Flying,FLY,1,2
5 4,Poison,PSN,1,2
6 5,Ground,GRN,1,2
7 6,Rock,RCK,1,2
8 7,Bug,BUG,1,2
9 8,Ghost,GST,1,2
10 9,Steel,STL,2,2
11 10,Fire,FIR,1,3
12 11,Water,WTR,1,3
13 12,Grass,GRS,1,3
14 13,Electric,ELE,1,3
15 14,Psychic,PSY,1,3
16 15,Ice,ICE,1,3
17 16,Dragon,DRG,1,3
18 17,Dark,DAR,2,3
19 10001,???,???,2,1
20 10002,Shadow,SHA,3,1