Support null pre-D/P damage class for ??? and Shadow.
[zzz-pokedex.git] / pokedex / data / csv / encounter_slots.csv
2011-01-28  EeveeLots of encounters were using slots that claimed to...
2010-04-13  a_magical_meFix HGSS fishing encounter slot rarities.
2010-04-13  a_magical_meFix RBY grass/water encounter slot rarities.
2010-04-13  a_magical_meAdd slot index to encounter_slots
2010-02-04  EeveeAdded Yellow fishing encounters.
2010-02-04  EeveeAdded Red/Blue fishing encounters.
2010-02-04  EeveeAdded Red/Blue/Yellow grass and surfing encounters.
2010-02-02  EeveeUpdated Good/Super Rod rarities to be.. correct.
2010-01-31  ZhorkenMerge branch 'master' of git://
2010-01-28  EeveeRedumped encounters for all five gen4 games.
2009-12-09  EeveeRefactored encounters schema so HG/SS can work.